The Need for Workload Identity in the Private Cloud
A growing consideration for cloud spending and the proliferation of AI have caused many organizations to evaluate their use of the public cloud. Many …
Earlier this month I had the privilege of being a delegate for Cloud Field Day 3 (http://techfieldday.com/event/cfd3/) which is a tech event put together by GestaltIT where tech companies present to a group of IT professionals.
One of the most intriguing presentations of the event was the presentation given by Veritas. The CFD3 presentation was a mixed bag of good and not so good. One of the key takeaways for me was that sometimes the things you forget to highlight are some of the most intriguing to people. This post covers a number of Veritas products that weren’t covered during the presentations that really make the case for Veritas as a cloud company.
Each of the products within the Veritas product portfolio aren’t game changers by themselves but when combined they form a compelling solution that enables public cloud adoption.
Backup Exec is one of Veritas’ foundational products that’s very familiar to many backup administrators. Support for backing up data to public cloud providers like AWS and Azure are the first sort of foray into the public cloud for their product line. The product also represents the first phase of a cloud migration for many companies by first moving data to the public cloud.
Resiliency Platform is a Disaster Recovery/Business Continuity platform that enables IT organizations to simplify DR and BC through the use of public cloud providers and automation.
Cloud Mobility is a migration tool for migrating on-premises workloads to the public cloud. The tool supports migrating workloads to AWS as well as Azure. Cloud Mobility also supports migrations between cloud providers to avoid vendor lock-in.
CloudPoint provides cloud native backups for Azure, AWS and Google Cloud. This represents the next generation of backup capabilities for Veritas that enables them to address backup and recovery in a unified manner across on-premises as well as the cloud.
Information map is a SaaS solution provides a way to easily visualize data stored in various platforms such as AWS S3, OneDrive, NetApp filers and more. In addition to data visualization Information Map enables organizations to drill down to view detailed information about the data being produced which can be used for compliance such as GDPR or to optimize storage costs.
Ultimately the untold story of Veritas the cloud company is an all too common situation for many tech companies looking to reestablish themselves in the cloud era. The challenge is that name recognition is a great tool for sales except when its not.
Resiliency Platform Datasheet https://www.veritas.com/content/dam/Veritas/docs/data-sheets/V0481_GA_ENT_DS-VRP-3.0-EN.pdf
Cloud Mobility Datasheet https://www.veritas.com/content/dam/Veritas/docs/data-sheets/veritas-cloudmobility-en.pdf
Information Map Datasheet https://www.veritas.com/content/dam/Veritas/docs/data-sheets/veritas-information-map-dynamic-perspective-en.pdf
A growing consideration for cloud spending and the proliferation of AI have caused many organizations to evaluate their use of the public cloud. Many …
Jenkins is a popular open source CI server and many that are familiar with it often have a bit of a love/hate relationship. That being said, it is an …